Effect of music of specific frequency upon the sleep architecture and electroencephalographic pattern of individuals with delayed sleep latency: A daytime nap study PMC

The best music for sleep may depend on your personal preference. A noisy environment can disrupt sleep and increase the risk of long-term health effects. The World Health Organization recommends keeping environmental noise levels below 40 decibels at night. Unfortunately, depending on where you live, it may be impossible to ensure a sufficiently quiet bedroom environment. Though there isn’t research yet specifically about the sounds of an oscillating fan, it does act as white noise and could offer some of the same benefits—like masking external noise.

A study of 24 young adults demonstrated that sedative music promoted deeper sleep . While naps of short duration have been linked to improvements in alertness and well-being, there are mixed opinions about the effects of napping on nighttime sleep. However, the inability to fall back asleep can ruin a good night’s rest . Lastly, mindfulness may help you maintain focus on the present, worry less while falling asleep, and even function better during the day .

White noise sounds like the static you hear when you accidentally tune cable TV to an unused channel. White noise is technically defined as sound that contains equal levels of every frequency. This even distribution is thought to help reduce the brain’s reactivity to spikes in volume.

We strive to have a board of medical experts look over our articles to prevent misinformation and medical myths from spreading. Should our experts encounter erroneous information, we will eliminate it from the final copy. Some guides and articles feature links to other relevant EarlyBird pages. These internal links are intended to improve ease of navigation across the site, and are never used as original sources for scientific data or information. Behavioral sleep medicine specialist, if your sleep problem doesn’t seem to budge even with these lifestyle changes. Do you know how sometimes when you try to do something, your stubborn brain backfires and does the opposite?

If you're not sensitive to high-pitched sounds, blue noise does a great job of heavily masking outside noises. Additionally, long-term exposure to sound at 85 decibels or higher can result in hearing loss. Examples of everyday sounds at that level or above are motorcycles, concerts, sporting events, and listening to music at full volume through headphones. As you listen to binaural beats, be sure the volume is not too high. On the other hand, some researchers have argued there is insufficient evidence linking binaural beats with lessened anxiety or Ambiance improved sleep. Further research of binaural beats, particularly their effects on sleep, must be conducted.

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